Maulana Malik Ibrahim Syech also known as Maulana Maghribi, Syeck Maghreb. In the row of the names of Sunan / Guardians in Java He is a trustee of the oldest. Come in Java to spread Islam in Majapahit era (TH. 1379 AD).

He died on 12 Rabi `Early 822 H (1419 AD), which then each date is commemorated with a ceremony followed by pilgrims Haul local and regional as well as the archipelago.

As a leader of Islamic Spreader first, then every day he visited the tomb of pilgrims not only from domestic but also from abroad, every year approximately 850,000 people are not pilgrims who come.

This tomb is located in the heart of the city of Gresik, precisely in the Village Gapuro Sukolilo 200 m from aloon-aloon Gresik city, making it very easy to reach. His relics include: - The mosque in the village Pasucinan Leran, Break and boarding school in the village of Java (now Village Kemuteran Gresik City).

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